A great way to make changes to your diet is to be prepared and have all the necessary ingredients. that's why todayWe show you which are the must-have products in your 100% vegetable-based diet so that you don't miss anything on your next visit to the market.
Fruits and vegetables:They are nutritious, economical, tasty and an essential source of vitamins and minerals.
Legumes:Beans, Chickpeas, Soybeans, Peas and Lentils are foods rich in protein, iron, zinc and fiber.
Cereals:They are our main source of energy. The classic and forceful ones are rice, potatoes, oats, wheat (bread or noodles), corn, quinoa and amaranth.
Dried fruits, nuts and seeds:They are sources of protein and healthy fats. You can find them cheaper in bulk at roasteries, dietetics or free fairs. They are excellent as snacks to help control satiety. Some examples of seeds and nuts are: chia, sunflower seeds, pistachios, almonds, peanuts, and cashews.
Seasonings:This is your chance to discover new flavors of the foods you already know. Dare and take some examples of exotic foods with curries and herbs that you have never tried.
Substitutes:Fortunately today there are many options to replace traditional products, such as milk and vegetable meats. Treat yourself and try them! see here ourbrand guide.
See below some examples of recipes to include legumes, seeds and nuts in your diet.