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Privacy and data protection policy

Animal Synergy is an international animal protection organization that works in countries of the Global South to reduce the suffering of animals exploited by the food industry and promote more humane food choices.


We are committed to keeping your data secure. Accordingly, we have created this policy so that you can understand how your data will be used.

How and for what purpose do we obtain your data?

There are some registration forms on our website, in which you can include your personal information, voluntarily and with your consent, to receive our content, for example, volunteer registration, newsletters, vegan challenges, digital recipes, etc.

We collect your personal information through these forms, cookies or similar technologies. The data collected is strictly necessary to achieve a specific purpose, informed through this policy and through our websites.

By filling in your contact information, you agree to receive emails from us, including vegan eating tips, campaign updates, volunteering, news from the animal rights movement, and donation opportunities to support our activities.

How do we keep your data safe?

We do our best to keep your personal information secure. In order to guarantee the security of your data, Sinergia Animal uses the CRM (customer relationship management)Insightlyto store your personal data and we adopt security techniques and protocols. In addition, we do not disclose, trade or sell the information we collect through our websites. 


Cookies are small files, collected and stored on the computer, phone or other personal device when a user visits a certain website.


Sinergia Animal uses cookies to facilitate the use of its website and requests your authorization to use this information.


Your rights

In consideration of current laws, you can request confirmation of existence, access to data, correction, deletion, information about its distribution, revocation of consent, among others. If you wish to exercise your rights, do not hesitate to contact us at the following email


How do I unsubscribe from Sinergia Animal emails? 

Every email we send includes a link in the footer to unsubscribe from future messages.

monitoring information

This policy is valid as of May 2021 and can be modified at any time, through this page.

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