The livestock industry is a serious threat to life on the planet.For example, it is the largest emitter of greenhouse gases, generators of climate change, even more than the entire transport sector.
According to the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) the production of meat, eggs and dairy is also responsibleby some of the most serious environmental problems, such as the degradation of soils and water resources.
Livestock uses 8% of the world's water, an increasingly scarce element and, according to many, the origin of future wars.It is estimated that to produce 1 kg of intensive beef, 20,000 liters of water are needed, while to produce 1 kg of lentils, only 1,250 liters are needed.Intensive livestock farming is also the largest source of water pollution, contributing to eutrophication and degradation of rivers and coastlines.
The overuse and misuse of antibiotics in animals is contributing to the growing threat of resistance.Some types of bacteria that cause serious infections in humans have already developed resistance to most or all available antibiotic treatments, and there are very few promising options in the pipeline.
One thing is certain: our planet will collapse if we do not drastically reduce the consumption of animal products.We will not have enough natural resources to maintain current consumption levels, as the world population will continue to grow. The FAO has already recognized this fact in several of its reports.
In addition, various responsible governments – such as the Netherlands and Sweden – are already adopting policies so that their citizens change their eating habits and leave animal products off their plates.
If you want more information about the effects of livestock farming on the environment, and because this is an issue that can affect the future of our existence, don't miss thedocumentary Cowspiracy inYoutube.
We leave you with these recipes so you can continue trying new flavors: