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Today we are going to talk not only about our health, but also about the health of our oceans, an urgent issue for our planet.

Overfishing is threatening the food security of hundreds of millions of people and destroying ocean ecosystems around the world. We have already eliminated at least two-thirds of the big fish in the ocean, and one in three fish populations have collapsed since 1950.

The gigantic island of garbage in the Pacific Ocean is growing rapidly, according to new research published in the journal Nature. Plastics make up 99.9% of all waste in this part of the ocean and at least 46% of it are fishing nets.

Many of the nutrients typical of fish can be found in foods of plant origin such as chickpeas, peas, lentils and soybeans, without forgetting quinoa and tofu. As we have seen in previous cases, we can adopt a fish-free diet without any inconvenience, it is only essential to adopt a diet that provides the necessary nutrients, such as Omega 3.

What are the main sources of Omega 3 of vegetable origin?
Flaxseed and chia both in seeds and in oil can give you a great contribution of Omega 3.
You can use the oil in salads or the seeds, ground at the moment or previously soaked, for your smoothies or with granola and fruit for breakfast, for example.

And as always, here I share a couple of vegan recipes rich in Omega 3 and one to replace fish:

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